Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I think the black rhinos and doing great!

I had a fun project idea for kids to help and learn about endangered animals!
  • Go to a local zoo that has 3 animals, that are close or is endangered.
  • Learn about 3 animals you picked. (or more if you like)
  • Pick 1 animal you want to help the most, or that you most admire.
  • Look at how you can help your animal breed, by asking the zoo, or looking online. (Or by just thinking awesome thoughts! or sending a message around the world about your cool animal breed)
  • And then, Help your Animal Breed! There are lots of ways to help your animal breed! You could tell people you know about your cool Animal breed to inspire them to not kill them anymore!
I hope this projects works for you!

I will be making new projects as soon as I can!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Black Rhinos

Have you found anything good on wales? I think they are still Endangered but that wont stop us!
To all hunters, to help our friends the black Rhino's please get the aggressive ones! They intend to kill a lot of there kind, so to keep the breed alive, be on the look out! Please help keep the breeds alive! 

Friday, September 27, 2013


We have our new Animal of the week to help!


Facts:  Blue Whales are the BIGGEST mammal in the world! Blue whale can eat some 4 to 8 tons (3.6 to 7.3 metric tons) of krill per day. Blue whales can grow up to 100 feet (30 m). They can weigh up to 200 tons.
About 100 people can fit in a blue whale's mouth. A blue whale heart is the size of a Mini Cooper and can weigh close to 2,000 pounds. Blue whales can produce sounds louder than a jet engine  and can communicate with other whales up to 1,000 miles away. The spray from a blue whale's blowhole is almost as tall as a three-story building (30 feet or 9 m). A toddler can fit into its blowhole. 
             (Facts from!knjxb



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lion lights

I was doing some thinking when I came over a thought, "Why are people killing the Animals?" I Asked people and thought a lot on this, And the reason people kill Big cats or other animals, is:
  1. They have something that People want. (for Big Cats: Fur, for like Elephants, there tusks or skin.)
  2. They kill for food, or is territorial to where they can hurt people. (Like Big cats, Elephants, bears, gorillas...)
  3. And last of all, for museums, and if scared.
Well, this are really important. So I found a Video, about a boy, who made a invention, that kept the lions safe, and the goats safe. Here is the Video

Finding this, Made me have a Idea. Find The Animals weakness, Then use that weakness for defense, so we don't need to kill the animals. A win-win for every one.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Save Endangered Animals by Learning About Them

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This Week's
Animal Category: 
"Just because I have the looks doesn't
mean I don't have a heart."

                           The Bengal Tiger


         Habitat :                                           Endangerment Level
     Nepal                                                       Endangered
     Threats:                                            An adult male Bengal
     Poaching                                            tiger  is about 110-120 in. 

     Human-tiger conflict
     Loss of habitat
     Especially their irresistible fur

     Water Buffalo
     Wild Boar
     Hog Deer

     Life-Cycle and Reproduction:
     There is no specific mating time for the tigers. Some cubs are born during March, May, October, and November, most cubs are born during December and April.
     Male tigers are mature from 4-5 years and females usually take 3-4 years. A female tiger is in heat for intervals around 3-9 weeks and is able to get pregnant for 3-6 days. After a female tiger has been pregnant for about 104-106 days she gives birth to 1-4 cubs. A female usually gives birth in a sheltered area made from tall grass, thick bush, or in caves. Newborn cubs have their ears and eyes closed. They can weigh 1.7-3.5 lbs and they have thick fur that they shed after 3-5 months. They drink milk for 3-6 months and then start to eat solids. At 2-3 years of age they slowly start to separate from their family and go off in search of their own territory. After all her cubs are gone the female tiger goes in heat again then the cycle starts all over again.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hey, Welcome to our blog!! Every Week, We will have a Endangered animal species on a "The Friend of the week!" And that week we will all try hard to help that animal not be endanger! Don't forget to read about the animal of the week! There might be some cool facts that you want to keep on the earth!